Your current print subscription term includes free access to the iPad editions of the magazine.

To get access to your iPad editions, use the following instructions:

1. Open this page on your iPad (requires iOS 5.1 and higher).2. Click on the icon below to link to the App store. Tap on the “Install App” button to download the app to your iPad.
3. Tap on the newstand on your home page. Then click on the Bottom Line/PERSONAL icon on your newstand, which will open the app and show you new issues as they arrive in the future.
4. 1st time users only: First, tap on “My Account” on the bottom of the navigation bar. Then, click on the Existing Print Subscriber tab when the screen below appears.

Please locate the 16-digit account number and zip/postal code on your magazine’s mailing label. Enter the 9 digits highlighted in blue on the sample (including zeros) in the Account field, and your Zip Code.

Tap “Add Account” on the bottom of the Subscriber screen to confirm your print subscription. You will be required to create a subscriber profile with an email address and password.

5. Click on the “Log in” tab on the Subscriber screen to enter the email address and password in your new subscriber profile. Tap on the “Log in” button.
6. The Bottom Line/PERSONAL Library screen will be displayed. If your current print subscription has issues available for download, they will appear on your Library shelf.

Contact us at 1-800-274-5611 with any questions about getting started on your new Bottom Line/PERSONAL app.