Meditation. Yoga. Stress relief. Social support.

You know they’re good for you.

But now there’s firm evidence that practicing these “wellness” skills can reduce your need for medical attention—and save you money.

Maybe lots of money.

So finds an analysis of more than 4,000 men and women who went through an eight-week program at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston called Relaxation Response Resiliency Program. Participants met for about three hours a week to learn relaxation techniques (through yoga, meditation and stress-reduction exercises) and resiliency building (through social support, cognitive-skills training and positive psychology).

How’d it all turn out? Fantastic. In the year after going through the program, the participants used 25% fewer medical services than a control group. Average savings: $2,360 per patient per year.

Still not a convert to the restorative powers of calming your mind and body? Maybe you need to read Bottom Line’s Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation: This Will Make You a Believer.