Onions are full of flavor and packed with healthful antioxidants, especially when eaten raw. Unfortunately, raw onions can have a stinky bite! But when we “hold the onions” from our sandwiches and salads, we miss that distinct taste. Here are two sweet solutions…

Quick pickle fix: Thinly slice your onion, then cover the slices with cold water, then blend in one teaspoon of white vinegar (which is enough for about one-half cup of sliced onions). Let the onions soak in the vinegar-water mix for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. The pungent acid will dissipate in the water, while the onions will stay crisp and get sweet.

Hot water trick: Cut your onion into thin slices, place the slices in a bowl and pour just-boiled water over them. Let the slices stand for two to three minutes, then drain and refrigerate them until the onion slices are cold…and mellow.

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