It’s time to clean your grimy eyeglasses! According to Vint & York, designers and manufacturers of vintage-style eyewear, the biggest crime in lens care is exhaling onto the lenses, then wiping the fog off with your shirt. Your “clean” shirt contains dust and other particles that can easily scratch your glasses. Use this to clean instead…

Take a small, clean spray bottle, and add three-quarters cup of rubbing alcohol. Then add two small drops of mild dishwashing liquid and one quarter cup of water. Gently shake the mixture, being sure not to create bubbles. Now, lightly spray both sides of your lenses and gently rub them clean with a soft microfiber or cotton cloth.

Note: Never use vinegar or window cleaner on your eyeglasses. These products can damage frames and special lens coatings. And do not “dry clean” your glasses—always use a liquid, such as the mix above or just plain water and a drop or two of dish soap. Also always use a microfiber or cotton-based cloth (no paper towels or tissues, which can scratch). We like to have a special cloth just for our glasses that we toss into the wash once a week to keep it grit free.

Thanks to for this tip.

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