Are you seeing spots before your eyes when you look at your hands? Age spots are usually not harmful, but they can be unsightly. Here’s a natural remedy…

The treatment that promis­es to be the fastest age spot remover is one using fresh pineapple juice. The key word is fresh…not canned, jarred, bottled, frozen, powdered or concentrated. Fresh juice has the bromelain en­zyme that can help dissolve those spots. To get fresh pineapple juice, take very ripe pineapple—about a half cup or so—and blend in a high-speed blender. You can drain the liquid through a cheesecloth or just use the juicy pulp.

Here’s what to do: Make sure your skin is clean and oil-free or cream-free. Dip a cotton ball in the pineapple juice, and place it on the spot. Leave it there for 20 minutes, then rinse with tepid water and pat dry. Do this every day, and within a week or two the spots should start to fade.

More natural skin care…

• Smooth Your Skin with Something You Usually Toss Out

• Simple Ways to Look Younger

• Do-It-Yourself Face-Lift

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