Hurrah! It’s a brand new year, and you feel like something the cat dragged in. Do you need a quick, cheap fix for a hangover? Here’s what to do…

Take one-quarter of a lemon, and rub the juicy side on each armpit. You might need to repeat a few times before you feel less queasy. Revolting as this seems, we’ve been told that it does indeed ease the symptoms of a hangover.

Note: This might sting if you’ve recently shaved under your arms.

We recommended this remedy in one of our books. When we handed in the manuscript, the publisher gave the pages to an MD. The doctor reviewed all the remedies to make sure they were safe. In the margins of each chapter, he wrote comments like “this is outrageous” and “they must be joking.” Obviously, the doctor wasn’t into folk remedies. That is, until he came to “lemon on the armpit for hangovers.” In the margin, next to this remedy he wrote, “It’s the greatest! It helped get me through medical school.” This was our very first doctor-endorsed folk remedy.

More help for the New Year…