Low-back pain makes almost everything more difficult. Good news: Recent research shows that simple Iyengar-style yoga poses reduce pain and increase the ease of daily activities — without drugs. Props: A mat, folding chair, blanket, towel, bolster (or two blankets rolled together) and strap. Breathe slowly and deeply… never push to the point of discomfort. Practice the poses below (which have been modified for people with back pain) in the order given three to seven days per week.*

Savasana (corpse pose). Place chair at end of mat, a folded blanket on seat. Lie on your back, head on folded towel. Rest calves on chair seat, knees comfortably bent and tailbone tucked under so back is not arched. Place bolster across abdomen. Let arms rest at sides, palms up. Relax completely. Hold for five minutes.

Supta Tadasana (reclining mountain pose). Place short edge of mat against wall. Lie on your back, head on folded towel, feet hip-width apart, toes pointing up, soles pressed against wall. Hold edges of mat, elbows straight, outer arms pressed down. Hold for one minute.

Supta Padangusthasana I (supine big toe pose, bent knee). Start in supta tadasana pose (above). Keeping left leg pressed to floor and left sole against wall, bend right knee toward chest and clasp shin with both hands. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch legs. Do three times per side. Straight-leg variation: Instead of clasping shin, place center of a strap across right sole and hold ends of strap. Straighten leg and flex foot, so sole faces ceiling.

Supta Pavanmuktasana (wind-releasing pose). Lie on your back, head on a folded towel. Bending both knees, bring knees toward chest. Grasp shins with hands, keeping knees hip-width apart. Hold for 30 seconds.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog). Place short edge of mat against wall. Come to hands and knees, hands shoulder-width apart, tips of thumb and first two fingers touching wall. Curl toes under and lift knees off floor, straightening legs and raising buttocks toward ceiling. Pushing down and forward with hands, stretch shoulders back and away from wall while stretching heels toward floor. Hold for 30 seconds.

Bharadvajasana (seated twist on chair). Place folded blanket on chair seat, then sit backwards with hips close to front edge of seat. Spread knees and place feet on outside edges of back chair legs. Place right forearm on top of chair back and grasp front edge of seat with left hand. Keeping chest lifted, turn chest to the left, twisting gently. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch sides. Do three times per side.

Adho Mukha Virasana (downward-facing hero). Place a bolster on mat. Kneel at one end of bolster, knees apart and toes together. Sit back on heels (tuck folded blanket under buttocks, if necessary). Place rolled towel in hip crease. Bending forward at hips, place hands on either side of bolster for support while lowering torso and forehead onto bolster. Rest forearms on floor. Relax completely. Hold for five minutes.

*Check with a health-care professional before beginning any new exercise routine.