We all know that we gain weight when we eat too many calories, but you may be wondering, How many…
We know that inflammation is at the heart of many conditions, including cardiovascular, autoimmune and neurological diseases, and even cancer.…
Many over-the-counter supplements can affect the way your medications work. They can change how you absorb, metabolize, or excrete drugs,…
What happens when you eat less sugar Studies show that when you reduce sugar, you reduce systemic inflammation, thought to…
There was a time, as many of us will remember, when we were told that moderate drinking—one drink per day…
In the 1960s, medical organizations like the American Heart Association began recommending people reduce their risk of heart disease by…
We know that stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol in the body. But is the opposite true? Does reducing cortisol…
As marijuana legalization continues to roll out, cannabis products are everywhere, including edibles such as cookies, brownies and gummies. Gummies…
Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals aren’t the only way to control acid reflux—diet modifications can make a major difference, too, explains Registered Dietitian…
Hunger isn’t the only reason we eat. Sometimes we eat as a way to cope with stress, sadness, loneliness or…
You likely think of potassium as an essential mineral, but it’s more accurate to say it is an electrolyte—an electrically…
Should you be concerned when a good meal literally leaves you cold? A slight chill after eating isn’t necessarily something…
Bottled alkaline water has become extremely popular, with sales of around $1 billion worldwide. But what is alkaline water exactly…and…
The gut is often called the body’s second brain because it contains a vast network of neurons—around 100 million—in what’s…
After World War II, many people began giving their pets commercial pet food. When a large number of animals went…