Should you be concerned when a good meal literally leaves you cold? A slight chill after eating isn’t necessarily something…
The good news is that you can’t really go wrong with nuts—they are tasty and, for the most part, very…
Frightening news: The American Heart Association recently released a report stating that by 2050, at least six out of 10…
With so much “diet” talk revolving around fat and carb intake, protein can get lost in the shuffle. But there…
Your life depends on nutrients. The seven major groups of nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and…
Diet is linked to health outcomes, but nutritious healthy foods can also be medicinal foods that help to heal and prevent disease.
You may love black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, split peas, chickpeas and lentils, but chances are you’ve been calling…
Heading out on a road trip? Here’s how to eat healthy even when options are limited… Be aware. Decide in…
Adding healing foods to the diets can be challenging. The low-quality foods typically in American supermarkets don’t make that challenge any easier.
There’s nothing you can do to prevent cuts except be more careful. You can make sure your nutrition keeps your body at its ultimate healing potential.
Tinnitus can occur with no warning or apparent cause. A distracting problem for those suffering from it. Fortunately, diet may help cure tinnitus.
Body odor is something we're inclined to worry about. Diet can be a big part of it, with some foods that eliminate body odor while others increase it.
Gingivitis is a minor disease of the gums that can lead to much worse. Fortunately, gingivitis self-care can help remedy the problem before it gets worse.
Obesity is a global epidemic. Eating certain foods though can make getting to a healthy weight while maintaining good health easier.
The Mediterranean diet gets lots of attention in the nutrition world …and for good reason. People who live in the…