Diseases & Conditions

What’s This “Heartbeat” in My Husband’s Stomach?
Cardiovascular Disease

What’s This “Heartbeat” in My Husband’s Stomach?

John M. Kennedy, MD | September 25, 2018

Your heartbeat belongs in your chest, right? So what does it mean if you feel a pulsating sensation in your stomach? Read on to find out…

Can I Have Strep Without a Sore Throat?

Can I Have Strep Without a Sore Throat?

Chris Van Beneden, MD, MPH | September 17, 2018

A dreaded sore throat sometimes signals strep. But can this infection occur without a painful throat? Read on to find out…

Meet the Expert: Dr. Marc Grossman
Eye Health

Meet the Expert: Dr. Marc Grossman

Marc R. Grossman | September 15, 2018

In this video, Bottom Line Inc President Sarah Hiner introduces Marc Grossman OD, LAc, and holistic developmental/behavioral optometrist and licensed acupuncturist, and his holistic approach to eye care.

Five Surprising Causes of Post-Menopausal Bleeding That Aren’t Cancer
Women's Health

Five Surprising Causes of Post-Menopausal Bleeding That Aren’t Cancer

Frederick Friedman Jr, MD | September 14, 2018

Any bleeding after your periods have stopped should be taken seriously, but most causes aren’t life-threatening and can be treated.

Is Diabetes Causing Me to Be Sleepy After Dinner?

Is Diabetes Causing Me to Be Sleepy After Dinner?

Joel Fuhrman | September 12, 2018

If you crash after eating dinner, could that be a warning sign of a health problem such as diabetes? Here are the facts about this common phenomenon…

Why Does My Fingernail Have a Big Dent?
Skin Disease

Why Does My Fingernail Have a Big Dent?

Debra Jaliman, MD | August 31, 2018

If your fingernail is no longer smooth, it’s important to find out why. Here are the health conditions that could be to blame…

Is It Bad for Your Eyes to Sit Too Close to the TV?
Eye Health

Is It Bad for Your Eyes to Sit Too Close to the TV?

Marc R. Grossman | August 31, 2018

When to comes to watching TV or movies at home, is it better to watch close up on a computer screen or at a distance on a TV?

Are Eye Exams at Chain Eyeglass Stores a Good Idea?
Eye Health

Are Eye Exams at Chain Eyeglass Stores a Good Idea?

Marc R. Grossman | August 31, 2018

Many chain eyeglass retailers offer on-the-spot eye exams and provide prescriptions for glasses, but are the services that these stores offer reputable and reliable?

Whiplash? Here’s the Real Way to Relieve Your Pain for Good
Pain Relief in Motion

Whiplash? Here’s the Real Way to Relieve Your Pain for Good

Mitchell Yass | August 29, 2018

Don’t get fooled! Whiplash isn’t a diagnosis…it’s a mechanism of injury. Learn the real source of whiplash-related pain and how to get lasting relief.

Resolving Chronic Bloating and Other Digestive Misery
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Resolving Chronic Bloating and Other Digestive Misery

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | August 25, 2018

Chronic bloating, gassiness, constipation, fatigue and more were caused by bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Here, the safe, natural protocol that cured it.

Why Do I Choke On My Saliva?

Why Do I Choke On My Saliva?

Murray Grossan, MD | August 23, 2018

Choking and coughing from inhaling your own saliva can be embarrassing. Is it a sign of something serious? Find out…plus tips that help…

A Simple Procedure Helps Keep Bladder Cancer from Coming Back

A Simple Procedure Helps Keep Bladder Cancer from Coming Back

August 22, 2018

Instead of the usual high recurrence rate, you can give yourself much better odds of avoiding more cancer and repeated treatments.

Don’t Get Fooled: These Health Websites Aren’t What You Think They Are
Diseases & Conditions

Don’t Get Fooled: These Health Websites Aren’t What You Think They Are

Diana Zuckerman, PhD | August 22, 2018

It’s easy to mix up health websites that have similar urls. Here’s how to make sure you get the most reliable, unbiased information possible.

If My Cousin Has Marfan Syndrome, Should I Be Tested?
Diseases & Conditions

If My Cousin Has Marfan Syndrome, Should I Be Tested?

Alan C. Braverman, MD | August 19, 2018

People with Marfan syndrome don’t always have a certain “look”—the symptoms vary by person. Should you be tested? Find out…

The Bottom Line About Cataract Surgery

The Bottom Line About Cataract Surgery

Marc R. Grossman | August 17, 2018

Once a patient has been diagnosed, is there anything that can be done to slow the progression of cataracts? According to Dr. Marc Grossman, there are diet and lifestyle changes which can make a difference in this regard.