There's more to preventing fractures than keeping your bones strong. The key is preventing falls. Here’s how…
Chia seeds are full of water-soluble fiber that bulks up food so you eat less. That's particularly important if you have prediabetes.
Shingles can cause severe pain, vision loss or even stroke. Read about the latest developments--a new vaccine, better self-care and more...
Stronger bones=a longer life! Find out the simple foods and exercises that can prevent and treat osteoporosis.
When you're prescribed a drug, you expect it to help–not hurt you. Certain medications, however, can lead to painful neuropathy. Read on for details...
Controlling blood pressure takes more than a daily banana. Fortunately, there are a variety of delicious foods you may never think of. Read on…
Move over Tylenol and Advil. There are natural pain relievers that work just as well as, or better than, over-the-counter…
Rice isn’t always a blood-sugar-raising no-no for diabetics. Some kinds have a lower glycemic index than others…and how you cook your rice matters, too.
You could be the cause of your knee pain without realizing it. Avoid these mistakes to keep your knees healthy.
Most people stand and walk with their feet too close together. Fix your stance and gait, and reverse chronic pain—in your back, hip, knee and more.
People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can still enjoy wheat breads if they are baked the right way.
The natural no-calorie sweetener stevia shows promise for treating chronic Lyme disease—at least in lab tests. Should you try it? Find out…
Quiz: When does chest pain signal a heart attack versus heartburn or something else? Take this quiz and find out!
Lots of things can trigger a bout of hiccups…including sensitivities to certain foods. Here’s what might be happening.
Itchy skin…slow-healing cuts…tender gums…and more One of the best ways to prevent diabetes is to spot blood sugar (glucose) problems before the…