Diseases & Conditions

Don’t Let the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Fool You—or Your Doctor

Don’t Let the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Fool You—or Your Doctor

H. Gilbert Welch, MD, MPH | February 20, 2018

New guidelines mean that 103 million American adults now have high blood pressure. That could be a recipe for over-treatment.

3 Natural Sore Throat Cures

3 Natural Sore Throat Cures

Jamison Starbuck, ND | February 13, 2018

If your go-to-fix for sore throat pain is a box of lozenges, here are threee natural cures that work much better. Read on for details...

Is Pseudostenosis the Real Cause of Your Back Pain?

Is Pseudostenosis the Real Cause of Your Back Pain?

Stuart M. Goldman, DPM | February 13, 2018

If your doctor says you have spinal stenosis but nothing seems to help, the real culprit could be "pseudo-stenosis." Read on.

Kratom: A Deadly Natural Painkiller

Kratom: A Deadly Natural Painkiller

Mark Blumenthal, PhD | February 1, 2018

Kratom is promoted as a natural plant-based painkiller that can even help people get off opioids. But it can be deadly.

The Best Way to Recover from Total Knee Replacement

The Best Way to Recover from Total Knee Replacement

January 31, 2018

Every year, more than 700,000 Americans get a new knee (or two)—a number that's expected to rise to 3.5 million…

Total Cholesterol Over 200? You May Not Need a Statin.
The Advocator

Total Cholesterol Over 200? You May Not Need a Statin.

Suzanne Steinbaum | January 30, 2018

The subject of statins and cholesterol is a super-complicated one. And your doctor probably doesn't have time for super-complicated. In-a-rush…

Menopause, Insulin Levels and Prediabetes

Menopause, Insulin Levels and Prediabetes

Mache Seibel, MD | January 29, 2018

Perimenopause can raise your insulin levels and increase your risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Here's how to fight back.

Going Gluten-Free? Watch Your Blood Sugar

Going Gluten-Free? Watch Your Blood Sugar

January 24, 2018

Just because a food is gluten free doesn't mean it's good for you. Case in point—pasta.

When Lower Back Pain Is Really in Your Butt
Pain Relief in Motion

When Lower Back Pain Is Really in Your Butt

Mitchell Yass | January 17, 2018

Few people know where the lower back ends the buttocks region begins—a critical issue to treat the root cause of what you think is back pain.

Tasty Chili Recipes That Help Fight Cancer

Tasty Chili Recipes That Help Fight Cancer

Alice Bender, MS, RDN | January 17, 2018

These warming winter chilis contain a few surprising ingredients...& are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber you need to protect against cancer.

Quick Fixes for Indigestion, Constipation and More

Quick Fixes for Indigestion, Constipation and More

Jamison Starbuck, ND | January 15, 2018

If you've got a bellyache due to indigestion, constipation or a stomach virus, try these quick natural fixes...

What the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Mean for You

What the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Mean for You

Samuel J. Mann, MD | January 15, 2018

New blood pressure guidelines mean more people qualify for hypertension diagnosis. Here's what that means for you...

Could You Have a Urinary Fistula?

Could You Have a Urinary Fistula?

Toby C. Chai, MD | January 15, 2018

I don’t want to pry or get overly personal, so you don’t need to tell me the answer to the…

Exercise If You Take Insulin? This Online Calculator Makes It Easy

Exercise If You Take Insulin? This Online Calculator Makes It Easy

Richard Cotton, MA, ACSM-CEP | January 15, 2018

If you have diabetes and take insulin, exercise can be tricky—and sometimes, dangerous. This online calculator helps make it easier to be safe.