Diseases & Conditions

Sniff This to Relieve Nausea

Sniff This to Relieve Nausea

July 18, 2016

Are you feeling a little queasy? Here’s what to do… When you’re nauseous, sniff a piece of lemon or orange…

Dr. Kahn’s 7-Step Heart-Healthy Regimen
Diseases & Conditions

Dr. Kahn’s 7-Step Heart-Healthy Regimen

Joel K. Kahn, MD | July 11, 2016

Here’s how a top cardiologist protects his own heart… When it comes to keeping your heart healthy, most cardiologists make…

5 Natural Sunburn Soothers

5 Natural Sunburn Soothers

Andrew Rubman, ND | June 22, 2016

You could have covered up, but you didn’t. You could have used more sunscreen, but that didn’t happen either. So…

Heartburn Remedies You’ve Never Heard Of

Heartburn Remedies You’ve Never Heard Of

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | June 17, 2016

Safer and Better Than Drugs If you have heartburn, you may be taking an acid-suppressing drug called a proton pump…

New Ways to Protect Your Prostate

New Ways to Protect Your Prostate

Geo Espinosa | June 13, 2016

These simple steps will help you avoid cancer-causing toxins… Drinking a tall glass of water several times each day sounds…

Aloe Vera Can Cause Cancer

Aloe Vera Can Cause Cancer

Andrew Rubman, ND | June 6, 2016

Consuming whole-leaf aloe vera extract increases the odds of developing cancer of the large intestine, according to a study published…

Tart Cherry Juice Lowers Blood Pressure

Tart Cherry Juice Lowers Blood Pressure

May 19, 2016

Tart Montmorency cherries and their juice, already a popular natural remedy for gout, sore muscles and insomnia, may be good…

Same-Day Hip Surgery

Same-Day Hip Surgery

Matthew S. Austin, MD | May 17, 2016

This procedure is becoming more common…but is it right for you? Until recently, people who needed a hip replacement were…

A Natural Way to Treat Ulcers Without Antibiotics

A Natural Way to Treat Ulcers Without Antibiotics

May 9, 2016

If you have an ulcer and tests show that you are infected with the common stomach bacterium H. pylori, the…

Thumbs-Up Headache Remedy

Thumbs-Up Headache Remedy

April 28, 2016

If you have a minor headache, try this acupressure trick before you reach for the pills… Press your thumb against…

The Allergy-Fighting Diet

The Allergy-Fighting Diet

Leo Galland, MD | April 27, 2016

Relieves Allergies to Pollen…Dust…Mold…Even Some Foods The right diet can help relieve your allergies whether you’re allergic to pollen, dust,…

To Fight Chronic Pain, Wear This Under Your Clothes

To Fight Chronic Pain, Wear This Under Your Clothes

Gary Kaye | April 27, 2016

Chronic pain can be insidious. But what if you could relieve chronic pain almost anywhere in your body just by…

Beat Body Odors Naturally 

Beat Body Odors Naturally 

Jamison Starbuck, ND | April 18, 2016

“Stinky feet” can be cute in a toddler, but for most of us, smelly body parts are something we’d rather…

Surprising Food Cures   
Diseases & Conditions

Surprising Food Cures   

Joe Graedon, MS | April 8, 2016

How to use the natural pharmacy in your kitchen... “Let food be your medicine,” Hippocrates once said. And judging from…

Got Glaucoma? Skip Downward Dog

Got Glaucoma? Skip Downward Dog

April 5, 2016

Practicing yoga can keep you fit and flexible. But if you’re one of more than three million Americans with glaucoma,…