Mental Health

Use Self-Hypnosis to Stop Bad Habits

Use Self-Hypnosis to Stop Bad Habits

Grace Smith | October 16, 2018

Virtually all people have a bad habit or two they’d like to get rid of. Self-hypnosis is a highly effective and simple way to get results. Read on…

This “Outside the Box” Therapy Helps with Depression and More
Mental Health

This “Outside the Box” Therapy Helps with Depression and More

Steven C. Hayes, PhD | September 22, 2018

If you’re considering psychotherapy, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a novel approach that gets results quickly. What you need to know…

Walk Your Way Out of Depression

Walk Your Way Out of Depression

Susan Besser, MD | August 24, 2018

Looking for a drug-free answer to conquer depression? A daily walk can help as much as medication.

Meet the Expert: Dr. Geo Espinosa

Meet the Expert: Dr. Geo Espinosa

Geo Espinosa | July 18, 2018

In this video, Bottom Line Inc. President Sarah Hiner introduces Dr. Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, CNS, clinical assistant professor of integrative and functional urology at New York University and author of Thrive—Don’t Survive: Dr. Geo’s Guide to Living Your Best Life Before & After Prostate Cancer.

Better Than Water: 4 Surprising Ways to Stay Hydrated

Better Than Water: 4 Surprising Ways to Stay Hydrated

Dana G. Cohen, MD | July 17, 2018

Drinking lots of water is the best way to stay hydrated, right? Not exactly. New reserach shows that ther are some surprisingly important steps...

Dr. Geo’s CaPLESS Method for Prostate Health

Dr. Geo’s CaPLESS Method for Prostate Health

Geo Espinosa | July 6, 2018

Dr. Geo Espinosa discusses his CaPLESS method for living well with prostate cancer.

8 Ways to Improve Vagal Tone—and Get Healthier

8 Ways to Improve Vagal Tone—and Get Healthier

Meredith Hutter Chamorro | June 24, 2018

The vagus nerve is sometimes called the "Buddha nerve" because it's behind many of the benefits of deep meditation. How to turn it on and get healthier...

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Geo Espinosa | June 19, 2018

Dr. Geo Espinosa discusses treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED).

What to Do If PTSD Makes Dental Visits an Ordeal

What to Do If PTSD Makes Dental Visits an Ordeal

Louis Siegelman, DDS | May 3, 2018

If you have PTSD, going to the dentist can be overwhelmingly stressful, including for your dentist. Here’s what helps…

Health Anxiety: Is It Really All in Your Head?

Health Anxiety: Is It Really All in Your Head?

Erik Andersson, PhD | April 19, 2018

Your doctor says you’re fine, so why do your health worries feel so real?

Quiz: Should You Take Naps? Take this Test to Find Out!

Quiz: Should You Take Naps? Take this Test to Find Out!

March 2, 2018

Naps are not just for kids, but unlike with little ones, it’s possible for adults to overdo. Here’s what you need to know to nap smart.

Quiz: Are You in the Dark About Body Odor?

Quiz: Are You in the Dark About Body Odor?

February 9, 2018

No one wants to have body odor! But the best way to protect yourself is to know what really causes it. Read on for some of the surprising culprits…

Beware: Toxic Lead and Cadmium in Decorated Drinking Glasses

Beware: Toxic Lead and Cadmium in Decorated Drinking Glasses

Andrew Turner, PhD | January 31, 2018

Decorative glassware embossed with logos or characters can leach dangerous toxins into what you’re drinking. What to watch out for…

Is Lead Paint a Concern for Adults?

Is Lead Paint a Concern for Adults?

Hyla Cass, MD | January 24, 2018

Information abounds on the dangers of lead paint for children, but what about for adults? Should you be concerned?

Get the Lead Out (of Your Body)

Get the Lead Out (of Your Body)

Mark A. Stengler, NMD | October 18, 2017

No matter how hard you try to live healthy, there’s a very good chance that right now -- or a…