First the painful belly cramps, then the mad dash to the bathroom, then the way-too-watery “number two.” Ugh, diarrhea. It’s…
If you have a stomachache, nausea or some other digestive problem, you know that it stems from your gastrointestinal (GI)…
Easy ways to bounce back quickly… Most adults are familiar with that woozy state that occurs after undergoing anesthesia for…
When you fly these days, the airlines ply you with salty snacks — pretzels, munchy mix, peanuts and chips. For nervous…
"I don’t want to take these pills anymore!" Janet said, holding up a plastic prescription bottle and shaking it vigorously.…
The Wilen sisters have been using home remedies all their lives, and for the last quarter century, they've been researching…
This crucial gland can be damaged by certain drugs, infections and more. Pancreatitis is a condition that most people associate…
“Oh, no!” my mother-in-law gasped when I started to stick some toothpicks into the plateful of hors d’oeuvres I was…
For a woman, tearing off her own clothes may seem like perfectly understandable behavior when she’s in the grip of…
We tend to think of melatonin, often called the “sleep hormone,” in terms of—you guessed it—sleep. So what does melatonin…
Three Steps to Adjust Your Posture for Great Health Do you suck in your stomach? Or maybe the better question…
Swimming can be great exercise, but be careful where you dive in. New research shows that swimming in indoor pools…
Turmeric Soothes Stomach Trouble, Prevents Dementia, Fights Weight Gain... and More As Yogi Berra so famously said, "It’s déjà vu…
Can Living Like Cavemen Reduce Depression? Human bodies have not evolved fast enough to adapt to the demands of modern…
Is There Value in Applied Kinesiology's Manual Muscle Testing? Admittedly, some of the newly popular alternative therapies seem... well... a…