6 Steps to faster recovery from illness or injury At any given time, about 90 million Americans are healing from…
In-Flight Medical Emergencies Increase In-flight medical emergencies are now more common than ever, with nearly two billion people flying each…
Most of us feel good when we’re on vacation, right? Not always. Some of us actually start to feel sick…
When you have a medical decision to make, you want to make the right one. What most people don’t realize…
I have long recommended Original Bach Flower Remedies to patients for quick relief from stress and anxiety. One of my…
Start Early to Beat Winter Blahs and Blues Who wants to think about the winter doldrums before Thanksgiving has even…
Walking barefoot on the grass or on a sandy beach feels good. And now growing evidence reveals why—direct physical contact…
These secrets will help keep you safe. You’ve probably heard about the scientific studies linking cell phones to a variety…