
Catering to readers seeking insights on adopting healthier habits for their physical and mental well-being, this section offers practical advice on exercise, fitness, heart health, nutrition, and other facets of personal wellness. From tips on movement and diet to in-depth discussions about cardiovascular health and the mind-body connection, the goal is to provide a well-rounded perspective on taking an informed, holistic approach to one's health.


All Health Articles

Smarter Eating

Smarter Eating

Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RDN, FAND | March 20, 2023

Protein Power for Pennies If you’ve got sticker shock at the grocery store, you are certainly not alone. Consumers are…

Choosing the Best Over-the-Counter Pain Reliever

Choosing the Best Over-the-Counter Pain Reliever

Chris Iliades, MD | March 20, 2023

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain and fever medications are the most common medications Americans take. Although there are many brand names, there…

The Miracle of Music in Alzheimer’s Disease

The Miracle of Music in Alzheimer’s Disease

Borna Bonakdarpour, MD | March 20, 2023

In the documentary “Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory,” Henry, an elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease, sits despondent,…

Stick to Your Health Goals

Stick to Your Health Goals

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | March 20, 2023

Most Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but, by this time of year, most of those goals have been abandoned. Two…

The Tastiest Health Tonic: A Cup of Tea

The Tastiest Health Tonic: A Cup of Tea

William W. Li, MD | March 20, 2023

Every day, people around the world drink an estimated 2 billion cups of tea, the beverage made from the leaves…

All About Hair Loss

All About Hair Loss

Antonella Tosti, MD | February 9, 2023

Hair loss affects tens of millions of people, but not all hair loss is the same. Bottom Line Health interviewed…

Medical Information You Understand

Medical Information You Understand

Charles B. Inlander | February 8, 2023

One of the most frequent complaints I hear from medical consumers is that they do not understand what their doctors…

Why Your Prescriptions Are So Expensive

Why Your Prescriptions Are So Expensive

February 7, 2023

Have you ever been in line at the pharmacy, staring at the display of reading glasses and eye-care solutions, only…

Natural Ways to Beat Migraine

Natural Ways to Beat Migraine

Alexander Mauskop, MD | February 6, 2023

Up to 40 million Americans, 75 percent of them women, suffer from migraine headaches. Symptoms can include throbbing head pain,…

Dry Eye Disease
Eye Health

Dry Eye Disease

Esen Karamursel Akpek, MD | February 5, 2023

Anyone with a television has heard  of dry eye, thanks to decades of commercials for prescription dry-eye treatments. The condition…

Ode to Chocolate: Food of Love and Health

Ode to Chocolate: Food of Love and Health

Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RDN, FAND | February 4, 2023

February is National Chocolate Lovers Month as well as American Heart Month, a time when everyone needs to focus on…

New Screening Guidelines for Anxiety Disorders
Diseases & Conditions

New Screening Guidelines for Anxiety Disorders

Chris Iliades, MD | February 3, 2023

In October, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued new guidelines for anxiety screening in primary care. They now…

The Surprising Roles of Zinc

The Surprising Roles of Zinc

William W. Li, MD | February 2, 2023

Zinc, an essential nutrient that your body can’t make by itself, is involved with many different functions of the cells…

Positivity Protects Your Heart
Mental Health

Positivity Protects Your Heart

Glenn N. Levine, MD | February 1, 2023

We’ve all heard the expression, “It almost gave me a heart attack!” in response to shocking or frightening news. It…

Dear Bottom Line Health Readers

Dear Bottom Line Health Readers

Carrie Ali | January 10, 2023

If you’re struggling to sleep, it could be time to change your diet. Researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of…