Why are doctors so attached to their opioids when there are safer, effective options available? Know your options, says Bottom Line CEO Sarah Hiner.
Don’t get fooled! Whiplash isn’t a diagnosis…it’s a mechanism of injury. Learn the real source of whiplash-related pain and how to get lasting relief.
If you have repetitive strain injury, arthritis or simply weak hands, here’s how you can help yourself in the kitchen.
When you're prescribed a drug, you expect it to help–not hurt you. Certain medications, however, can lead to painful neuropathy. Read on for details...
Move over Tylenol and Advil. There are natural pain relievers that work just as well as, or better than, over-the-counter…
Most people stand and walk with their feet too close together. Fix your stance and gait, and reverse chronic pain—in your back, hip, knee and more.
If your doctor says you have spinal stenosis but nothing seems to help, the real culprit could be "pseudo-stenosis." Read on.
Kratom is promoted as a natural plant-based painkiller that can even help people get off opioids. But it can be deadly.
Few people know where the lower back ends the buttocks region begins—a critical issue to treat the root cause of what you think is back pain.
Here's how to tell what that leg pain really means...
Injections or surgery won’t fix trigger finger (when your finger is trapped in a bent position). But these exercises will.
Weak gluteal muscles are often to blame for low-body pains... Want to get to the bottom of your persistent back,…
Those bright, squishy balls little kids love to play with are for grown-ups, too! In fact, there’s a way to…
You could have covered up, but you didn’t. You could have used more sunscreen, but that didn’t happen either. So…
Chronic pain can be insidious. But what if you could relieve chronic pain almost anywhere in your body just by…