From travel and leisure to relationships, personal development, and far-flung activities, this section caters to individuals seeking inspiration, practical wisdom, and guidance for cultivating a balanced and enjoyable daily lifestyle. The goal is to equip readers with insightful ideas and expert tips for cultivating mindful enjoyment, enriching connections, and staying engaged with the possibilities each day presents—not just for getting by, but for learning to thrive with intention.
I am sure many of you saw Madonna at the Grammy Awards. I’ll be honest—I grew up watching and listening…
Just the thought of a stroke is frightening. But there is good news—today’s new treatments mean that strokes are treatable…and…
The health benefits of a vegan diet are impressive. Studies have shown that replacing meat and/or dairy with fruits, vegetables,…
You’re eating ice cream with your grandchild when a sudden, intense jolt of pain shoots through your molar and lingers…
Thousands of technology companies exhibited their latest products at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past January.…
There is plenty in this world to feel guilty about, so why feel guilty for being successful? Be proud of it. Bottom Line CEO Sarah Hiner explains.
Anxiety disorders affect nearly one in five American adults and one in 10 kids every year—yet they often go undetected.…
In this age of wine in cans, sweet red wine and Instagram wine parties, it’s difficult to believe that there…
Americans are traveling again…and travel companies are trying to take them for a ride. Sneaky travel fees and gotchas abound…
Your estate-planning documents won’t tell your heirs everything they need to know after you die or become incapacitated. You could…
As a geriatrician who has spent 40 years treating older patients, Rosanne M. Leipzig, MD, PhD, hears the same question…
We’ve all heard the story. A loved one gets a scary diagnosis and ends up in the hospital, followed by…
The power of positive thinking is deeply ingrained in our society. Platoons of self-help writers and life coaches encourage us…
Just thinking about it can be devastating. What if you—or a loved one—sustain a catastrophic injury or experience an illness…
A broken rib or upper-arm bone might be more than a painful inconvenience. For some, it could increase the odds…