From travel and leisure to relationships, personal development, and far-flung activities, this section caters to individuals seeking inspiration, practical wisdom, and guidance for cultivating a balanced and enjoyable daily lifestyle. The goal is to equip readers with insightful ideas and expert tips for cultivating mindful enjoyment, enriching connections, and staying engaged with the possibilities each day presents—not just for getting by, but for learning to thrive with intention.
Before 2019, we didn’t hear the word “pandemic” very often. But today, it is common in everyday conversation, referring to…
We all know that retailers have lots of tricks up their sleeves to get us to buy more. In fact,…
As a neuroscientist and director of the Sleep and Cognition Lab at University of California, Irvine, Sara C. Mednick, PhD,…
Is it time for a wellness vacation—one where you spend time destressing and focusing on your mental and physical well-being?…
Now that the economy is reopening from the pandemic, many companies are realizing that they over-hired. Result: Companies are laying…
My son-in-law accused me of being an “over-doer” the other night when I was talking about preparing for houseguests. I…
Technology that could help seniors live independently for longer is rapidly reaching the market—but its intended users often are less…
When we hear the word “dementia,” most of us think of Alzheimer’s disease. But the two terms aren’t interchangeable, and…
I am an early riser…and I have lots of well-known company in that—Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly rises at 3:45…Starbucks…
You’ve probably seen one of the many videos showing a young child being fitted for a cochlear implant and hearing…
If you rolled back Earth’s history by about 50,000 or 100,000 years and tried to gauge which creature would come…
Some days, I feel like I’m living in a weird survivalistic video game where the participants are so fearful of…
A quarter million dollars for a high school student’s science project…$30,000 for doodling …$10,000 for making a prom dress out…
The holidays are over…and yet you are still feeling stressed. You probably already know some potential remedies—exercise…listen to soothing music…meditate.…
You use the self-checkout kiosk at a local store. As you head to your car, a security officer stops you…