From travel and leisure to relationships, personal development, and far-flung activities, this section caters to individuals seeking inspiration, practical wisdom, and guidance for cultivating a balanced and enjoyable daily lifestyle. The goal is to equip readers with insightful ideas and expert tips for cultivating mindful enjoyment, enriching connections, and staying engaged with the possibilities each day presents—not just for getting by, but for learning to thrive with intention.
I was a few minutes late to greet the contractor who had come over to discuss putting safety grab bars…
Boomerang kids are booming. More than half of American adults ages 18 to 30 lived with their parents in 2020—the…
Have you stopped playing golf because your knee hurts too much…or find yourself sitting out because of hip pain when…
Who doesn’t love a gift card? Certainly I do. In fact, for one of my favorite retailers, I have accumulated…
One of the big challenges now that pandemic restrictions are mostly gone is dealing with people again. Isolation during COVID…
Intrigued by river cruising but not sure which cruise is right for you? This relaxing and indulgent mode of travel…
Insurance companies fill the airwaves with advertisements that stress their dependability…but they fill their policies with loopholes and legalese that…
Are you spending far too much time scrolling through posts on Facebook and Instagram? Sending out tweets on Twitter? Watching…
Consumers generally believe that sheets with more threads per square inch are softer and more durable. Problem: Some sheet makers…
At my five- and 10-year college reunions, we talked about jobs…apartments…boyfriends/girlfriends…and weddings. My 15- and 20-year reunions were all about…
Your spouse is a package deal—you get all the great as well as what you consider the not-so-great. Perhaps you…
I just spent three days with my husband in the hospital. He had a severe asthma attack—we started in the…
The famous saying, mistakenly attributed to Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain, about death and taxes being the only certainties in…
Neighbor-versus-neighbor lawsuits seem to be on the rise. Maybe it’s because people were stuck at home during the pandemic, giving…
Many résumés are rejected before anyone even reads them. Why? Most large employers use software to sort through résumés—in fact,…