Retirement Living

Best Jobs for Retirees
Retirement Living

Best Jobs for Retirees

Laura Olert | November 7, 2024

Retirement no longer means what it meant to our parents. According to T. Rowe Price, about 20% of retirees are…

Best and Worst States to Retire
Retirement Living

Best and Worst States to Retire

Cassandra Happe | August 30, 2024

Nearly two of every three Americans are more worried about outliving their retirement savings than they are about dying, according…

Protect Your Retirement Savings from Lawsuits
Retirement Living

Protect Your Retirement Savings from Lawsuits

Gideon Rothschild, Esq. | June 7, 2023

There is a widely held belief that creditors and lawsuits can’t touch retirement accounts—but that is not always true. Reality:…

To Rent or Buy in Retirement?
Retirement Living

To Rent or Buy in Retirement?

Stacy Brown | May 22, 2023

Whether you are considering buying a home for your retirement or renting one, you have pros and cons to weigh…

Prepare Your Business for Your Retirement
Retirement Living

Prepare Your Business for Your Retirement

Mike Michalowicz | May 11, 2023

Entrepreneurs and business owners often face a difficult truth as their retirement age approaches—their businesses may not be able to…

5 Often-Overlooked Veterans’ Benefits
Retirement Living

5 Often-Overlooked Veterans’ Benefits

Paul Lawrence, PhD | April 25, 2023

Military veterans who served even decades ago might not be aware of all the benefits available to them today. Some…

Retirement Surprises
Retirement Living

Retirement Surprises

April 19, 2023

You wouldn’t think that experts who spent their careers helping others plan their retirements could be surprised when it comes…

Long-Term Care Insurance
Retirement Living

Long-Term Care Insurance

Glenn S. Daily, CFP, ChFC, CLU, CSA | April 5, 2023

Traditional long-term-care insurance (LTCI) has been in a long-term decline. Fewer than 50,000 policies were issued in 2020, a small…

What Happens as You Get Older
Retirement Living

What Happens as You Get Older

Rosanne M. Leipzig, MD, PhD | March 18, 2023

As a geriatrician who has spent 40 years treating older patients, Rosanne M. Leipzig, MD, PhD, hears the same question…

The Golden Age of Unretirement
Retirement Living

The Golden Age of Unretirement

Kerry Hannon | March 9, 2023

Football legend Tom Brady announced his retirement in February 2022, then announced his return to the sport in March. (Update:…

Lessons From People Who Hate Retirement
Retirement Living

Lessons From People Who Hate Retirement

Ernie J. Zelinski | December 19, 2022

If you haven’t heard the stories first-hand, you probably “know somebody who knows somebody” who thought they were embarking on…

Best and Worst States for Retiree Health Care
Retirement Living

Best and Worst States for Retiree Health Care

Jeff Smedsrud | June 18, 2022

Choosing where you will live in retirement isn’t just about picking a state with low taxes and lots of sunshine.…

Pros and Cons of Today’s Most Popular Retirement Locations
Retirement Living

Pros and Cons of Today’s Most Popular Retirement Locations

Dave Hughes | March 1, 2022

No retirement location is perfect. Be sure to take into consideration weather, economy, health services and more. Here are some popular places today—and the pros and cons.

Secrets To A Happier Retirement
Retirement Living

Secrets To A Happier Retirement

Wes Moss | March 1, 2022

Conventional wisdom says that planning a successful retirement is all about financial security—you focus on saving and growing a nest…

The Financial Benefits of Staggered Retirement
Retirement Living

The Financial Benefits of Staggered Retirement

Dana Anspach, CFP | October 1, 2021

Many two-income couples assume that they’ll retire at the same time and then transition to a new chapter in their…