Taxpayers beware! Much of the $80 billion in new funding for the Internal Revenue Service will be used to scrutinize…
Taxpayers often act as if intra-family transactions are private, informal affairs free from any outside oversight—after all, spouses typically can…
Whether you take the standard deduction or itemize for the 2021 tax year, here’s what deductions you can take, including what has changed.
The IRS has received nearly $80 billion in new funding and is using that money to go on a hiring…
If you named a trust as your IRA’s beneficiary, it’s time to revisit—and perhaps revise—that plan. Under the terms of…
Tax-filing season may be months away, but certain tax matters are best considered before the calendar year ends. The IRS’s…
An updated IRS ruling now allows IRA owners under age 59½ to dramatically increase the amount of money they can…
Tax audits haven’t been high on most Americans’ list of concerns lately. IRS funding cuts and staffing shortages reduced the…
Nothing is certain except death and taxes—and that widows and widowers will discover that the former makes the latter more…
The IRS is always challenging taxpayers on matters ranging from business expenses to legal settlements to unusual assets. Thousands of…
The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act received plenty of publicity for providing a third round of stimulus checks and…
Provisions in last year’s financial stimulus bill may have an effect on your income tax filing for medical expenses, donations and/or your retirement.
The pandemic will make this year’s tax return preparation a bit different than most years. Here’s what you need to watch out for.
The new tax law contains a lot of changes to deductions. Here’s what you need to know.
Two dozen states let some seniors delay paying their property tax until they sell their homes or die—a potentially huge savings.