Alfalfa seeds have trace minerals that seem to be lacking in people with common kinds of arthritis. Here’s how to get this natural pain relief…
If you have a bout of arthritis pain, grind alfalfa seeds (available at health-food stores and online) in a blender or a coffee bean grinder and eat a tablespoon of the ground seeds with each meal (but see below first). You can do this as long as you have nagging pain or as long as you’d like, especially if you enjoy the slight nutty flavor of the seeds. Alfalfa tablets are available, too, but it would take 15 to 20 tablets a day to equal the value of the ground seeds.
Note: If you’re not accustomed to eating seeds, such as flax or chia, we recommend that you add ground alfalfa seeds gradually to your diet so that your digestive system can adjust. Too much at once can cause inconvenient stomach distress such as loose bowels! Start with one-half tablespoon with your meals (sprinkle on cereal, yogurt, salad or cooked vegetables). If that amount sits well, increase to one tablespoon to receive full benefits from the healing nutrients.
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