You’ve heard it before—a great way to cure the blues is to count your blessings. But you really don’t feel like starting a bunch of lists or another journal that goes nowhere. Here are two easy ways to healing thankfulness…

Go for a 15-minute walk through your favorite areas near where you live, and focus on all the things that you are thankful for. Match the rhythm of your steps with your list of blessings—your home, your spouse, your brother, your cat, your job, your child, a completely free weekend. Your list can be simple and general, such as hot showers and Woody Allen movies…or very specific to you, such as your granddaughter’s smile, a favorite piece of music, your house of worship…everyone has something to be thankful for!

When we wake up, the natural human proclivity is to groan and worry and think about how certain people bug the heck out of us. If you wake up and feel yourself doing that, stop the worried thoughts with a big THANK YOU to the universe for giving you another day…and then remember all the people and things you love in life that you can’t wait to see once you get out of bed.

Here’s a nice site to help you get positive.

More ways to feel calm and happy…

• Craft Your Way to Calm

• How to Age Happily

• How to Stop Negative Thoughts