The average person produces one to four pints of gas daily and expels it about 14 times a day. Sometimes gas gets trapped in the body, causing uncomfortable bloating. What you should know…

  • Flatulence occurs when bacteria ferment undigested carbohydrates in the colon. The telltale noise is caused by vibration of the anal opening… odor depends on the foods eaten and types of bacteria present. Flatulence producers include asparagus, beans, bran, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, corn, onions, pasta, peas, potatoes, prunes and wheat. Dairy foods cause gas in people who lack the enzyme lactase needed to digest the milk sugar lactose. Called lactose intolerance, this gets more common with age.

Over-the-counter remedies: Charcoal tablets or simethicone (Gas-X) may help by breaking up big gas bubbles. Beano contains an enzyme that breaks down cellulose, a carbohydrate in legumes and cruciferous vegetables — take it just before eating. To help prevent gas, take a daily supplement that contains the probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis, such as the brand Align. For lactose intolerance, avoid dairy foods or try Lactaid supplements, which contain lactase.

  • Belching happens after you swallow air. Avoid: Fizzy drinks, gum, eating too fast, gulping, using a straw, smoking. Another culprit: Anxiety makes people breathe rapidly and swallow more often. Calming: Inhale for five seconds… hold five seconds… exhale for five seconds… hold five seconds… repeat. See your doctor: If you are troubled by excess flatulence or belching, your doctor can check for underlying gastrointestinal problems.