People who have allergies are more likely to develop asthma…and since asthma has been linked to depression, dementia and other serious conditions, it is important to keep seasonal allergies under control, says allergist/immunologist Kevin P. McGrath, MD.

That may not be easy. Allergy seasons now start 20 days earlier, last 10 days longer and produce 21% more pollen than three decades ago, according to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Nasal allergies get worse year after year and season after season—this progressive worsening is called the allergic march. Pollen may not be the only thing that provokes allergy and asthma symptoms—symptoms may be affected by outdoor molds and indoor allergens, such as dust mites and pet dander. Result: Allergies and asthma may be a year-round problem.

If you have asthma, you know the signs of an asthma exacerbation—wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing up phlegm. Asthma also can cause you to wake in the middle of the night, and nasal allergies can hamper sleep, causing fatigue, exhaustion and soreness in the morning.

Asthma goes beyond your lungs. There is a bidirectional link between asthma and depression—inflammation from asthma can cause or worsen depression…and inflammation from depression can cause or worsen asthma. Treating both is essential. The inflammation from uncontrolled asthma also may be the reason for structural brain changes, ­visible in imaging studies, that may lead to cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Dementia risk is higher among people with heart disease and asthma.

What to do for allergic asthma…

Get tested by a board-certified allergist. The website of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ( can help you locate a board-certified allergist.

Get treated. Treatment likely will be two-pronged—asthma control and allergen control. You also may need asthma controller medication, which could include inhaled steroids, antihistamines, topical nasal steroid sprays and topical nasal antihistamine sprays.

Your allergist may suggest subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy shots to desensitize your allergies over several years. Studies show that people with asthma who get allergy injections are less likely to be hospitalized and intubated for asthma or have life-threatening asthma attacks. They also are less likely to have sinus infections and colds. Studies also have shown that children who do not have asthma but are treated with allergy injections are less likely to develop asthma.

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