Sunscreen is great, but it’s hard to keep reapplying it when you’re having fun in the sun. And even just a little sun can do some painful damage to your skin. Here are some natural fixes for those burnt body parts…

Healing ice milk: Just the sound of this remedy is soothing. Fill a quart jar with equal parts of milk and ice and two tablespoons of salt. Soak a washcloth in the cold mixture (don’t wring it out), and place it on the sunburned area. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure three to four times throughout the day. This cooling compress soothes the skin and lightens the redness.

A long, cool tea time: Steep six regular (nonherbal) tea bags in one quart of hot water. When the tea is strong and cool, drench a washcloth in the liquid and apply it to the sunburned area. Repeat the procedure until you get relief.

Dip for your skin: Spread sour cream or yogurt (any kind) over the sunburned area, particularly the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. The sour cream is said to take the heat out of the sunburn and tighten pores, too.

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