Even on a good day, you can suddenly be struck by some annoying malady—aches and pains, a leg cramp, a queasy stomach, sinus congestion, etc.—making you miserable and disrupting your activities. Too bad you don’t have a traveling medicine cabinet with exactly the remedy you need. But guess what? You actually do have such a thing—right at your fingertips!

It’s acupressure. Maybe you know that unlike acupuncture, which stimulates your body’s energy meridians with needles, acupressure does the same thing using simple hand pressure on those same meridians. What you may not know is that you can do acupressure yourself—and relieve a wide variety of symptoms, including pain, nausea, stress…even depression. What’s more, it’s easy. You can press a spot on your hand to diminish arthritis pain anywhere…use a tennis ball to relax painful neck muscles…avert an asthma attack by pressing a place on your arms…pinch a certain spot to quell a queasy tummy…calm stress by grabbing your ankle…tap away an unhealthy food craving….and much more.

Read below for more about all the aches, pains and other ailments you can relieve by using the “medicine cabinet” at your fingertips…

Note: Also check the Bottom Line Guide to Acupuncture: What It Does.

Aches, Cramps, Burns…

No More Foot Cramps

Do-It-Yourself Pain Relief with a Tennis Ball

17 Natural Remedies You Always Have with You

Hands-On Help for Tension Headaches

Jin Shin Jyutsu Touch Therapy Relieves Pain and Stress

Allergies, Blood Pressure, Asthma

Cure Allergies the Natural Way With Supplements, Nasal Cleansing and Acupressure

Lower Blood Pressure By Tapping Your Toes

How to Survive an Asthma Attack Without an Inhaler

Stress Relief, Better Sleep, Better Memory…and More

Relief at Your Fingertips

How Healing Hands Provide Sleep for Dementia Patients

Acupressure: A Pill-Free Cure for Insomnia

Ankle Trick Relieves Stress

Food Cravings, Nausea, Sweaty Hands and More…

Tap Away Your Food Cravings

Motion Sickness Remedy from Acupressure

What Can You Do to Stop Sweaty Hands?

Do-It-Yourself Face-Lift

Pleasure-Enhancing Feminine Parts You Never Knew You Had

More Quick Fixes…

Bite Your Tongue to Cure Your Headache

Acupressure Stops Painful Leg Cramps—Fast

Squeeze Away Your Toothache

Mr. Spock Headache Fix

Ear Massage Relieves Allergy Stuffiness

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