Is it time for a food-storage makeover? Maybe your fridge is so crammed with stuff that you’re afraid to venture inside to find actual eatables…or maybe years-old jellies and dressings and half-empty pickle jars depress you every time you open the door. Make foraging for refrigerated food a happy venture! Here’s a little inspiration…

• Keep colorful bell peppers, ripe avocado and citrus fruits (lemon and limes) in a decorative bowl on your bottom shelf.

• Get rid of the almost-dead condiment containers and put designer water or soda bottles in your door. Even if you think designer water is silly, it’ll make you feel rich when you open the door. Keep your must-have condiments on the bottom shelf.

• Recycle mason jars or funky jam jars, and fill with fresh, clean herbs (such as parsley, cilantro, basil, dill…whatever you like). Not only will the herbs last longer, but you’ll also use them more often when they are readily in sight.

• Give your refrigerator shelves a quick wipe before you go shopping for the week. Bright insides will make you feel better.

• Use a refrigerator wine bin to hold large beverage bottles that won’t fit in your door.

Best tip of all: We bet the biggest complaint that you hear when family members open the refrigerator door is, There’s nothing to eat! So, while you’re making your refrigerator insides pretty, make sure there’s something healthful to grab or pop into the microwave when you and your housemates have the munchies. Use see-through glass containers to store cut-up and cleaned strawberries and melon…and peeled radishes, carrots and sweet potatoes (they’re delicious raw). Thaw out inexpensive frozen burritos, and keep on a plate. Stock up on hummus, yogurt dip and salsa…whatever your family likes.

Thanks to Real Simple for help with this tip.

More help with food storage…

• 12 Tricks to Keep Food Fresh Longer

• Best Way to Keep Cheese

• Tupperware Stain Eraser

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