Are you getting ready for a big getaway and don’t have someone to water your plants? Here’s what to do…

Place plastic trash bags in the bottom of your bathtub. Put big towels on top of the bags, and pour water on the towels until they’re completely wet. Check each plant to make sure it has a drainage hole at the bottom of its pot, and bring it into the bathroom—then set the plant(s) on top of the towels. The plant will absorb the moisture from the towels without getting overwatered.

If you have a bunch of plants that love lots of water, watch Martha Stewart’s solution

Caution: If you have delicate, rare, exotic plants that need special care (such as orchids), you should probably not rely on any of these methods. Instead, ask a neighbor who has a green thumb to stop by and tend to those unique plants while you’re away. Make sure you get this nice person a souvenir or a valuable gift card…especially if your request is last-minute!

• Don’t Do This to Your Flowering Houseplant

• Beautiful Houseplants That Clean the Air

• Kill Aphids the Natural Way

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