Do you constantly check your reflection, bemoaning those wrinkles or wide hips? Hypercritical inspection can lead to self-loathing and social withdrawal. To stop fixating on physical flaws…

Get rid of the magnifying mirror. It only exaggerates the size of pores and pimples. If you cannot see that stray eyebrow hair in a regular mirror, others can’t see it either.

Praise positive attributes aloud as you gaze at your image — “My eyes look kind” or “My cheeks are naturally rosy.” Note how a smile improves your looks and spirits.

Change what you can. If an old hairdo no longer flatters, ask your stylist for suggestions… visit a cosmetics counter for a free makeup lesson. Even better: Put your efforts into changes that improve health — toning muscles, losing weight.

Focus on experiences and interests in social situations. Talking about your trip to Alaska or a friend’s favorite charity keeps you from obsessing about your appearance.

Accept compliments graciously. When a friend says your dress is lovely, don’t ask, “Does it make me look fat?” Say: “Thank you.”

Talk to a therapist. Body dysmorphia is an irrational preoccupation with minor physical flaws. Uncovering its root cause (a perfectionist parent, a secret shame) helps you learn to love yourself — wrinkles and all.

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