Congratulations! You found your leather gloves from last year…both hands. But there’s a stain on a finger (or palm or wherever). Who knows where that came from? You don’t want to subject leather to soap and water. Here’s what to do…

You can erase practically any stain except oily ones (see below for those) from your leather gloves with a gum eraser (available at stationery and art-supply stores and online from You probably haven’t seen this type of eraser since grade-school art class—it’s the big, crumbly, tan-colored eraser that smells quite rubbery and tends to break off pieces of itself as you rub it against things.

For an oil-based stain on leather gloves, dab a fingerful of cornstarch onto the spot (whatever lightly covers the stain…don’t pack it on too thick) and let it sit overnight. Whisk it off the next day with a soft brush or a pair of clean fingertips, and the grease mark should be gone or at least much lighter.

More help with stains…


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