Rolls have a way of going stale quicker than the usual loaf…and you want a sandwich! Here’s what to do…

Put stale rolls (just a little hard…anything with mold should be discarded) in a small, brown paper bag. Moisten the bag with water, and put it in the oven (preheated to 300°F). When the bag is dry—in just a few minutes, so don’t leave the kitchen—take it out and remove the rolls. They should taste like they did when they were baked the first time.

Another way to freshen stale rolls is to lightly spray them with water and wrap them loosely in aluminum foil. Then put them in the oven (preheated to 350°F) for about 10 minutes. Keep watch because it could take less than 10 minutes to reheat the rolls.

More help in the kitchen…

• 6 Great Kitchen Gadgets for the Foodie Who Has Everything

• Rescue Salty Dishes

• Ginger Helps Potatoes Last

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