“My wife recently pointed out that I’m starting to talk to myself. Should I be worried?”

No need to worry! For the overwhelming majority of people, there is nothing wrong with talking to yourself. It not only may relieve loneliness, it also may help you clarify your thoughts and firm up your decisions. There’s only one proviso: You must speak respectfully to yourself. Cut out any negative self-talk, such as “You idiot! You should have known better…done it this way…or thought of it sooner.”

For productive self-dialogue: Give yourself compliments (“I’m so proud of you!”) when you accomplish even a small thing like turning down a rich dessert. Motivate yourself in a kind way with language like, “Hey, guy, you’ve got time to organize your desk. How about it?”

For enhanced decision-making:  Running through the pros and cons of a big decision out loud can help you clarify your choices and figure out what decision is best.

For goal-setting: Articulating your goal by saying it out loud focuses your attention, reinforces the message, controls any runaway emotions and screens out distractions.

Whether you’re living alone or with others, you’re always living with yourself. So converse, chatter and communicate respectfully with yourself. It can be a sign of good health!

In only rare cases, when you’re unaware of what you’re doing or talking incoherently, is talking to yourself an indication of a mental disorder.

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