A nagging headache. A puzzling skin rash. A bout of asthma. Sometimes a seemingly unlikely culprit is behind these ailments—namely, your favorite perfume. Several popular perfumes contain chemicals that aren’t good for us. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a partner of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a consumer protection organization, has found that a number of perfumes contain as many as 14 chemicals not listed on the label. Find out what could be hidden in your perfume…

Hidden chemicals may include diethyl phthalate, which has been linked to sperm damage, and musk ketone, a synthetic compound that can accumulate in the body and affect the endocrine system.

Some hidden chemicals are known to trigger allergic responses, including asthma, headaches and contact dermatitis. Other chemicals act as hormone disruptors, mimicking the hormone estrogen or influencing thyroid function.

Perfume manufacturers are required by the government to list ingredients on their labels. However, they are permitted to include combinations of unnamed chemicals under the single term “fragrance.”

If you are sensitive to perfumes, don’t select any personal-care product, including soap or lotion, that lists “fragrance” as one of its ingredients. A safer choice: Perfumes made from essentials oils, natural ingredients with no added chemicals. Many natural perfumes are sold online, such as those by The Essential Oil Company (www.EssentialOil.com).

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