Four years ago, I signed up for a free karate lesson. Within the hour, I was hooked. Three weekly classes keep me fit — but the rewards go way beyond the physical. What I’ve learned…

I am worth defending. Whether fending off a mugger or insisting on a refund for flawed merchandise, I have a right to stand up for myself.

Brain beats brawn. A small woman can knock down a big man if she knows the right techniques.

Looking goofy doesn’t matter. Who cares if I’m the oldest person in class or if my arthritic kick can’t match a nimble teen’s? I’m improving.

Cooler heads prevail. When a sparring partner punches hard, getting mad makes me forget my skills. I’m learning to stay calm — even during tiffs with my husband.

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. During a treadmill trudge, minutes crawl by. Karate engages the mind, so it’s more fun — classes are over before I know it.

A loss is a gain. I learn more from the matches I lose than from the ones I win.

Breathe. I have asthma, so I used to panic when I couldn’t catch my breath. Karate has taught me to control my breathing — whether stress is physical or emotional.

It’s easy to make friends. Nothing dissolves social stiffness like a sweaty wrestling match.

Persistence pays off. Except for giving birth, I’ve never felt an exhausted exhilaration that matched the moment I earned my black belt.

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