Are you thinking about what to put in those bag lunches for work and school but dread the high prices and high-preservative content in store-bought fruit snacks and bars? We love this easy, healthy recipe…

Homemade No-Bake Two-Ingredient (Maybe Three) Energy Bar

Place a scant cup of prunes (about a half pound) in a food processor along with one-quarter-cup combination of your favorite nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. You can add some shredded coconut, too…maybe even sprinkle in some unsweetened cacao to sate a chocolate craving. Process the ingredients into a paste—add one tablespoon of water if the mixture seems too chunky—and then press the mixture into a baking dish (we like to use the bottom of a glass nine-inch loaf pan). Chill until firm (overnight is best), and cut into squares for an on-the-go energy boost and healthy sweet-tooth satisfier.

Note: These homemade bars taste great, but watch your portion size. Prunes can have a laxative effect if you eat too many!

Thanks to Maria Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, PhD, professor emerita, department of kinesiology and nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago, for help with this tip.

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• Try This Snack for a Healthy, Easy Change

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