Did you run out of maple syrup? Turn any fruit (including citrus) into a tasty, fresh topping. Here’s what to do…

Simply combine equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan, then add the fruit and simmer until it starts to break down, about 20 minutes. Be sure to stir frequently. We like to do one-quarter cup sugar to one-quarter cup water and a scant cup of fruit—this combination equals about two servings for a short stack of pancakes.

You can strain for a clearer syrup, but we usually keep the fruit in for a chunkier sauce (apples are our favorite, and we always have some on hand). You can also use this tasty topping on waffles or drizzle it over ice cream or mix it into warm oatmeal. Yum!

Thanks to Epicurious.com for help with this tip.

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