Meetings on the Move: Business Plan with Legs

Wouldn’t you love to find a way to simultaneously boost personal health and work productivity? Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis suggest one approach that is surprisingly simple and economical — schedule “Meetings on the Move” whenever possible, to walk and talk business at the same time. Whether it is an occasional hour-long stroll to brainstorm ideas or a regularly scheduled 15-minute daily update, blending discussion with exercise brings many benefits, both individually and corporately. It’s a straightforward strategy to help you and your coworkers — or committee members — break free of tedious routine and add a burst of energy and creativity to the workday.


Meetings on the Move is an idea that came from Timothy McBride, PhD, the associate dean for public health and his colleague, professor Debra Haire-Joshu, both at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. McBride began promoting the concept last spring, encouraging workplaces to add Meetings on the Move to their agenda as an easy and inexpensive way to improve both the bottom line and employee health and well-being. By moving while you meet you can…

  • Enhance physical health. Even small amounts of daily exercise gradually add up to big health benefits.
  • Mitigate stress. Exercise is not only a boon to physical health, it can also help reduce the stress and anxiety endemic to the work environment, especially in these challenging economic times.
  • Boost productivity and team spirit. Dr. McBride believes that Meetings on the Move can invigorate and energize employees. Walking and working together can help team members bond.
  • Refresh perspective. Away from sterile office cubicles, a change of scenery enables people to think outside the box (literally) and examine problems in a new light.
  • No pain, plenty of gain. Going outside for a walk is free — no room rentals, PowerPoint projectors or sore bottoms from sitting.


To make the most of your Meetings on the Move, Dr. McBride recommends…

  • Plan a simple route. Think about walking in a local park, botanical garden, track or other open space.
  • Encourage everyone to keep comfortable walking shoes at the office for this purpose. You don’t want team members thinking about aching feet instead of the issues at hand.
  • Set your agenda in advance. Like any other conference, a productive Meeting on the Move can quickly become an exercise in futility if you don’t set an agenda and stick to it.
  • Vary locations. You’ll enhance creativity and enjoyment if you mix things up. Choreograph a walk by the lake one day and to a local park on another. On rainy days, take advantage of nearby malls.

While Meetings on the Move are no substitute for a regular exercise program, they’re an easy way to break up the monotony of an ordinary workday. And the idea doesn’t have to stay at the office — it can be applied just as easily and productively to a catch-up with a spouse, a discussion with a contractor or even a committee meeting for your volunteer work.

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