Alan R. Hirsch, MD

Alan R. Hirsch, MD, board-certified neurologist and psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of smell and taste loss, and neurological director of Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Ltd., in Chicago. He has published hundreds of studies on smell in journals such as ­Neurology, Headache and International Journal of Aromatherapy.

Scents That Really Can Improve Your Life

Scents That Really Can Improve Your Life

Alan R. Hirsch, MD | October 21, 2019

The right scents can improve everything from sex to sleep to alertness.

Aromatherapy’s Amazing Effects on Your Mind and Mood

Aromatherapy’s Amazing Effects on Your Mind and Mood

Alan R. Hirsch, MD | July 26, 2012

Scents have subtle yet powerful effects on emotions—boosting confidence, easing stress, triggering fond memories and more. Here’s how to use…

Protect Your Sense of Smell

Protect Your Sense of Smell

Alan R. Hirsch, MD | July 18, 2012

Up to 15 million Americans suffer from a severe-to-total loss of sense of smell. By age 65, up to half…