Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RDN, FAND, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, a fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a nationally recognized nutrition, health and fitness expert who specializes in cardiovascular disease prevention. Based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Dr. Brill is author of Blood Pressure DOWN, Cholesterol DOWN and Prevent a Second Heart Attack. DrJanet.com
Is vinegar a miracle elixir or just an old folk remedy?
Poke bowls are popular because they are tasty, nutritious and convenient. Here, the elements that make them special—and a simple way to make your own…
Contrary to popular opinion, celery contains much more than water. Read on for the lowdown on its nutrients and health benefits…
Chocolate lovers, rejoice! Research shows that this “special treat” has more health benefits than previously thought.
If a food item contains “natural flavorings,” does that mean it’s healthy? Don’t get fooled. Here’s what that ubiquitous term really means…
Controlling blood pressure takes more than a daily banana. Fortunately, there are a variety of delicious foods you may never think of. Read on…
When it comes to fish that people either love or hate, sardines are among the top contenders. Iridescent and tiny,…
With their silky texture, great flavor and numerous nutrients, you gotta love avocados! Technically a fruit, avocados are a potassium…
Is your blood pressure on the high side? Your doctor might write a prescription when it creeps above 140/90—but you…
By the time you're halfway through this article, I hope you're craving a nice toasty-warm mug of hot cocoa. Not…