Marianne Berwick, PhD

Marianne Berwick, PhD, distinguished professor, department of internal medicine, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, and former chief, Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, both in Albuquerque. She is author or coauthor of more than 200 scientific papers on melanoma published in leading medical journals, including JAMA Dermatology, Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Melanoma Research.

Does OJ Increase Melanoma Risk?
Skin Cancer

Does OJ Increase Melanoma Risk?

Marianne Berwick, PhD | July 27, 2015

Melanoma is the scariest skin cancer. It’s responsible for a mere 2% of skin cancers yet causes 75% of skin…

Hidden Melanoma
Skin Cancer

Hidden Melanoma

Marianne Berwick, PhD | June 16, 2014

It can strike where you least expect it If you spotted a mole on your leg that had changed color…