Robert Rountree, MD

Robert Rountree, MD, a family physician in private practice and owner of Boulder Wellcare in Boulder, Colorado. He is coauthor of numerous books, including Immunotics: A Revolutionary Way to Fight Infection, Beat Chronic Illness and Stay Well. He is also medical editor of the journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies and a faculty member at the Institute for Functional Medicine, based in Federal Way, Washington.

How to Wreck Your Immune System

How to Wreck Your Immune System

Robert Rountree, MD | December 17, 2014

It's surprisingly easy to do... Nobody wants to spend time sick in bed feeling miserable with a cold, the flu…

Boost Your Ability to Fight the Flu

Boost Your Ability to Fight the Flu

Robert Rountree, MD | March 9, 2012

A leading expert on immunity shares simple steps that can help protect you against dangerous infections With the recent outbreak…