Valori Treloar, MD, CNS

Valori Treloar, MD, CNS, a board-certified dermatologist in private practice at Integrative Dermatology in Newton, Massachusetts. A fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, she is coauthor of The Clear Skin Diet. Dr. Treloar is also a Certified Nutrition Specialist, a credential awarded by the American College of Nutrition.

Age Spots Be Gone!

Age Spots Be Gone!

Valori Treloar, MD, CNS | June 30, 2017

Soaking in the sun can leave you with more than just wrinkles. Age spots—those flat, roundish marks that appear on…

Do-It-Yourself Remedies for Itchy Skin, Acne and Other Very Common Skin Problems
Diseases & Conditions

Do-It-Yourself Remedies for Itchy Skin, Acne and Other Very Common Skin Problems

Valori Treloar, MD, CNS | May 22, 2014

Clear Skin At Last! What is the main reason people visit their doctors? It is not heart disease, diabetes or…

Real Relief for Psoriasis (and Eczema, too)
Skin Disease

Real Relief for Psoriasis (and Eczema, too)

Valori Treloar, MD, CNS | November 21, 2013

Combining conventional and natural therapies offers the best treatment… Psoriasis can be painful, itchy and embarrassing…and even trigger anxiety and…