
Catering to readers seeking insights on adopting healthier habits for their physical and mental well-being, this section offers practical advice on exercise, fitness, heart health, nutrition, and other facets of personal wellness. From tips on movement and diet to in-depth discussions about cardiovascular health and the mind-body connection, the goal is to provide a well-rounded perspective on taking an informed, holistic approach to one's health.


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The Penis Quiz

The Penis Quiz

March 16, 2018

What do you really know about the penis? Test your knowledge in this health quiz.

How to Stop a Bunion from Developing
Pain Relief in Motion

How to Stop a Bunion from Developing

Mitchell Yass | March 14, 2018

Bunion correctors fix nothing and do not address the cause. Here’s how to prevent bunions from ever developing. Self-test shows if it will help you.

Deep Breathing for GERD Relief

Deep Breathing for GERD Relief

March 13, 2018

Besides other limitations of heartburn medications, they don’t help distressing belches. This drug-free approach can have you breathing easier.

The 4 Best Supplements You’ve Never Heard Of

The 4 Best Supplements You’ve Never Heard Of

Andrew Rubman, ND | March 12, 2018

Vitamins C and D and a few other supplements are on most people's radar. Here are ones you probably don't know about but may want to try...

The Ultimate Exercise Rx for Peripheral Artery Disease
Cardiovascular Disease

The Ultimate Exercise Rx for Peripheral Artery Disease

Neel P. Chokshi, MD, MBA | March 12, 2018

Walking hurts when you've got peripheral artery disease. The good news is, the right exercise can help—a lot. Read on.

If Your Doctor Gives You Bad News, Don’t Make These Mistakes

If Your Doctor Gives You Bad News, Don’t Make These Mistakes

Steven Z. Pantilat, MD | March 12, 2018

A serious medical diagnosis can send anyone into a tailspin. Here's how to get the best care--and stay sane...

A Toothache Can Turn Deadly

A Toothache Can Turn Deadly

Samuel O. Dorn, DDS | March 8, 2018

Even mild pain should never be ignored.

The Hot Flash/Diabetes Connection

The Hot Flash/Diabetes Connection

JoAnn V. Pinkerton, MD | March 8, 2018

For menopausal women, severe hot flashes and especially night sweats signal an increased risk for diabetes. Likely culprit? Sleep.

Got Goat, Sheep or Buffalo Milk?

Got Goat, Sheep or Buffalo Milk?

Andrew Rubman, ND | March 6, 2018

Cow's Milk Alternatives May Be Healthier, Easier to Digest He made his first diagnosis at age seven. Daily Health News…

A Chef’s Strategy for Buying Seafood at the Supermarket

A Chef’s Strategy for Buying Seafood at the Supermarket

Aliza Green | March 5, 2018

Here are a top chef’s secrets to trouble-and worry-free seafood shopping, no matter where you live or shop.

Quiz: Should You Take Naps? Take this Test to Find Out!

Quiz: Should You Take Naps? Take this Test to Find Out!

March 2, 2018

Naps are not just for kids, but unlike with little ones, it’s possible for adults to overdo. Here’s what you need to know to nap smart.

6 Surprising Foods That Can Give You Food Poisoning

6 Surprising Foods That Can Give You Food Poisoning

Robert B. Gravani, PhD, CFS | March 1, 2018

These six foods are common but little-known potential causes of food poisoning. Even a kind of bottled water could be risky.

For Better Blood Sugar, You Can’t Beat Beets

For Better Blood Sugar, You Can’t Beat Beets

Christopher Bell, PhD | February 21, 2018

If your blood sugar is too high and you're fighting the battle of the bulge, there's an easy way to…

Don’t Let the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Fool You—or Your Doctor

Don’t Let the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Fool You—or Your Doctor

H. Gilbert Welch, MD, MPH | February 20, 2018

New guidelines mean that 103 million American adults now have high blood pressure. That could be a recipe for over-treatment.

How Can I Get Rid of Upper-Arm Flab?

How Can I Get Rid of Upper-Arm Flab?

Anthony Youn, MD, FACS | February 16, 2018

Jiggly upper arms—bat wings—are an annoying fact of aging. If you’re bothered by yours, there are treatments that help.