This Swedish decluttering technique can help you live a happier life and make things easier for your children.
Moving can be a hassle, but with these apps and other resources, you can save lots of money…and lots of stress.
Oregano oil is in many all-natural cleaners and recipes for making your own. Does it really kill the germs that can make you sick? Find out…
Americans spend $40 billion each year on lawns—but money isn't their only contribution. The typical home owner also devotes 73…
A home sauna, in your backyard or inside your home, is a great way to benefit from sauna health benefits. Here's what you need before you buy.
Now you pay your bills online. What are you supposed to do with all your address return labels? Here’s one…
How to Make It Less Painful Moving can be tremendously stressful. Possessions must be boxed up or discarded…a house must…
We have to admit, with all the scouring and cleaning tips we’ve tested over the years on sticky, messy pots…
That Set You Up for a Bad Spring Home owners tend to turn their attention away from their lawns as…
Musty spare rooms…lingering cooking smells…dogs overdue for baths. Even well-maintained homes develop unpleasant odors from time to time. Living in…
Are you considering trees or shrubs as a living fence on your property? Choosing a living fence over a conventional…
There’s no way to know all the chemicals you are bringing into your home when you use commercial cleaning products.…
We know what you’re saying. Who irons these days, let alone uses starch on their shirts? But just in case…
Young children are not the only ones frightened by things that go bump in the night.
Ah, there’s nothing like a soothing bath. But after-bath cleanup of ring-around-the-bathtub can ruin a nice relaxing soak. Here’s what…