
Best Funds from Vanguard, Fidelity and T. Rowe Price

Best Funds from Vanguard, Fidelity and T. Rowe Price

April 3, 2017

As an investor, you can create a mutual fund portfolio that includes offerings from a vast array of fund firms.…

Job Hunting Over 50?

Job Hunting Over 50?

Nancy Collamer | March 6, 2017

Conventional wisdom says that it’s hard to find a good job after age 50. Employers are said to consider older…

Six Top Defensive Funds to Protect Your Portfolio
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Six Top Defensive Funds to Protect Your Portfolio

Todd Rosenbluth | October 10, 2016

No matter how buoyant the stock market has been through much of this year, many investors have continued to worry…

Alternatives to Closed Funds
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Alternatives to Closed Funds

Mark Salzinger | September 1, 2015

Many of the best mutual fund managers don’t want your money anymore. About 9% of stock funds currently don’t accept…

Relieve Tooth Pain Fast

Relieve Tooth Pain Fast

August 31, 2015

When someone is grimacing and holding his or her face in the general mouth area, it usually means tooth pain…

10 Best Stocks for the Next 10 Years

10 Best Stocks for the Next 10 Years

John Buckingham | March 10, 2015

Companies face many ­challenges when it comes to boosting their stock prices over long ­periods of time. The challenges can range…

Don’t Confuse a Great Company with a Great Stock

Don’t Confuse a Great Company with a Great Stock

Vahan Janjigian, PhD, CFA | September 30, 2014

Bottom Line/Personal: Investors, can you tell the difference between a great company and a great stock? They are not the…

6 Winning Stocks from the “Oracle of Tampa”

6 Winning Stocks from the “Oracle of Tampa”

Harold J. ­Bowen III | July 10, 2014

Better Than Warren Buffett? Harold J. Bowen III is not ashamed to say that he follows the generally boring, plain-vanilla…

Is Your Money Still Safe at Pimco?
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Is Your Money Still Safe at Pimco?

Scott B. Tiras, CPA, CFP | April 30, 2014

In a stunning turnaround, many investors have soured on Pimco, the world's largest bond fund manager. They have raised questions…

Finding a Work-at-Home Job: Most Are Scams, But These 7 Are for Real

Finding a Work-at-Home Job: Most Are Scams, But These 7 Are for Real

Sandy Weiner | January 27, 2014

A growing number of employers are willing to use home-based employees, assuming those employees have access to a phone, computer…

Don’t Let Your Employer Ruin Your Career—How to Defeat a Noncompete Agreement

Don’t Let Your Employer Ruin Your Career—How to Defeat a Noncompete Agreement

Alan Sklover, Esq. | January 24, 2014

Can your previous employer stop you from getting a new job? Possibly, if you signed a noncompete agreement. Noncompete agreements—legal…

The Best and Worst Stocks When Interest Rates Rise

The Best and Worst Stocks When Interest Rates Rise

Pat Dorsey, CFA | December 18, 2013

Will rising interest rates in the next few years deflate the stock market? That fear caused the Dow Jones Industrial…

How to Invest (Profitably) in Broadway Shows

How to Invest (Profitably) in Broadway Shows

Jed Bernstein | September 16, 2013

Love the theater? You would probably love it even more if it made you money. Unlike investors in most segments…

Investing in Stock Splits Can Pay Off Big

Investing in Stock Splits Can Pay Off Big

Neil Macneale III | August 20, 2013

When a company’s stock “splits,” it’s not supposed to have much effect on investors. But Neil Macneale has used stock…

Business Travel Loopholes

Business Travel Loopholes

Edward Mendlowitz, CPA, ABV, PFS | September 6, 2012

Business travelers who plan carefully can trim the costs of their trips. Generally, "ordinary and necessary" business expenses are deductible…