
From expert advice on investments and budgeting to discussions about economic trends and retirement planning, these articles aim to equip readers with the knowledge they need to manage their personal finances, make informed monetary decisions, and otherwise navigate the complexities of the financial world. Whether readying savings for the future or maneuvering day-to-day costs, the insightful advice equips readers to take control of their fiscal picture and achieve economic stability.


All Money Articles

Navigate 2022 With These Funds

Navigate 2022 With These Funds

Janet M. Brown | January 15, 2022

Good economic news, robust corporate profits and massive cash on the sidelines mean that stocks could see a fourth year…

Fix Your Financial Relationship With Your Partner
Personal Finances

Fix Your Financial Relationship With Your Partner

Kathleen Burns Kingsbury | January 3, 2022

In many households, one partner handles the finances while the other is disengaged. In fact, only one in five couples…

What’s Ahead for the Post-Pandemic Economy?
The Economy

What’s Ahead for the Post-Pandemic Economy?

Allen Sinai, PhD | January 2, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely history as far as the US economy and financial markets are concerned. So says renowned…

What to Know Before You Buy Your Next Mattress

What to Know Before You Buy Your Next Mattress

Michael J. Breus, PhD | December 26, 2021

From TV commercials to ads on social media, it seems like every day brings a new mattress company trying to…

Great Actively Managed Funds to Invest In Now
Personal Finances

Great Actively Managed Funds to Invest In Now

David Snowball, PhD | December 25, 2021

If you are fed up with the high fees and mediocre performance of your mutual funds, you’re not alone. Over…

How to Avoid These Affordable Care Act Traps

How to Avoid These Affordable Care Act Traps

December 24, 2021

There is at least one thing people who obtain insurance through ACA marketplaces tend to agree on—this coverage can be confusing. Seven potential traps with ACA health insurance…

The Best Credit Card Deals Now
Credit & Debt

The Best Credit Card Deals Now

December 23, 2021

When you close a credit card account, your available credit declines…the percentage of available credit you're using climbs. That costs you points on your credit score.

Closing Unused Credit Card Accounts Hurts Your Credit Score
Credit & Debt

Closing Unused Credit Card Accounts Hurts Your Credit Score

December 22, 2021

When you close a credit card account, your available credit declines…the percentage of available credit you're using climbs. That costs you points on your credit score.

Medicare Enrollment Which Medigap Plan Is Best for You?
Medical Expenses

Medicare Enrollment Which Medigap Plan Is Best for You?

Danielle ­Roberts | December 19, 2021

Only two of the 10 plans Medigap plans offered during open enrollment in 2021—G and N—are worth considering.

Investing in the Next Big Thing

Investing in the Next Big Thing

David Mazza | December 15, 2021

Wouldn’t it be great if you had purchased Bitcoin when it was selling for $320 instead of $32,000? Or in…

Smart Money Strategies for 2022
Personal Finances

Smart Money Strategies for 2022

December 15, 2021

The post-pandemic economy and consumer spending are robust. But surging inflation…global supply shortages…stocks near record highs…and bond yields near record…

Avoid These 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes

Avoid These 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes

Danielle ­Roberts | December 15, 2021

Medicare decisions are complicated, and errors can affect your Medicare costs or coverage for the rest of your life. Here are the biggest mistakes and how to avoid them.

The Hottest Career Paths Don’t Require College

The Hottest Career Paths Don’t Require College

December 14, 2021

Students, parents even adults considering midlife career changes may want to consider "career and technical education” by attending a trade, technical or vocational program.

How to Get Rid of Your Timeshare
Personal Finances

How to Get Rid of Your Timeshare

Brian Rogers | December 14, 2021

Getting out from under a timeshare that you no longer want can be expensive and difficult. Here are the steps to take to making it easier.

Will Switching Electricity Suppliers Save You Money?

Will Switching Electricity Suppliers Save You Money?

Barbara Alexander | December 14, 2021

Consumers who switch to retail electricity suppliers consistently pay more than people who stay with the default service provided by their local utility.