
From expert advice on investments and budgeting to discussions about economic trends and retirement planning, these articles aim to equip readers with the knowledge they need to manage their personal finances, make informed monetary decisions, and otherwise navigate the complexities of the financial world. Whether readying savings for the future or maneuvering day-to-day costs, the insightful advice equips readers to take control of their fiscal picture and achieve economic stability.


All Money Articles

Mortgage Lenders More Generous With Points

Mortgage Lenders More Generous With Points

Keith ­Gumbinger | April 15, 2021

If you're in the market for a “jumbo” mortgage, paying discount points upfront could be a great deal.

Where the Jobs are 2021

Where the Jobs are 2021

Vicki Salemi | March 24, 2021

Despite the pandemic, some jobs offer opportunities that many people could transition into within months.

Turn Your Hobby into Cash by Selling on Etsy

Turn Your Hobby into Cash by Selling on Etsy

Lauren Kilgore | March 24, 2021

How to make your products findable…set the right price…leverage social media…make customers love you…and more.

Allen Sinai’s 2021 Economic Forecast: A New Bull Market Through 2025
The Economy

Allen Sinai’s 2021 Economic Forecast: A New Bull Market Through 2025

Allen Sinai, PhD | March 24, 2021

Jittery investors must look past their myopic fears right now and position themselves for much better times, says economist Allen Sinai.

The Real Growth Stocks

The Real Growth Stocks

Michael Kantrowitz, CFA | March 4, 2021

Although about 270 stocks in the S&P 500 are classified as "growth," having increased revenue an average of 15% or more over the past five years, only 66 are truly worthy of that designation.

7 Ways to Save Money on Prescription Drugs
Medical Expenses

7 Ways to Save Money on Prescription Drugs

Richard Sagall, MD | December 21, 2020

Beyond generics and samples from your doctor or drug manufacturer…seven ways to save money on prescription medications.

Your Medicare Premiums Might Be Higher than They Should Be

Your Medicare Premiums Might Be Higher than They Should Be

Danielle ­Roberts | December 21, 2020

If you are paying Medicare more than this amount, you might be able to lower your premium.

Simplify Your Portfolio with One, Two or Three Funds
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Simplify Your Portfolio with One, Two or Three Funds

David Snowball, PhD | August 25, 2020

Instead of cramming your investment portfolio full of funds, consider consolidating.

How to Protect Inherited Retirement Accounts Under New Federal Law
Retirement Planning

How to Protect Inherited Retirement Accounts Under New Federal Law

Ed Slott, CPA | May 26, 2020

Although the new federal law called the Secure Act provides many advantages for people with retirement accounts

Prepare Your Finances for an Emergency Handoff
Estate Planning

Prepare Your Finances for an Emergency Handoff

Amanda DesBarres | May 8, 2020

Confusion and costly mistakes can easily occur if you don’t plan ahead for someone to take over handling your finances in an emergency.

The “Best” Credit Card for 2020? That Depends on How You Spend

The “Best” Credit Card for 2020? That Depends on How You Spend

Sara ­Rathner | April 29, 2020

With credit card rewards as high as 5% or 6%, creating a portfolio of cards can pay off big. Here’s how…

Frequently Overlooked Tax Deductions for 2019
Tax Planning

Frequently Overlooked Tax Deductions for 2019

Barbara Weltman, Esq. | January 6, 2020

The new tax law contains a lot of changes to deductions. Here’s what you need to know.

Make Money by Working from Home

Make Money by Working from Home

Brie Reynolds | December 2, 2019

Where to look and how to apply for telecommute jobs—plus how to avoid scam listings.

How Your Trust Can Avoid Taxes by Changing States
Wealthy and Wise

How Your Trust Can Avoid Taxes by Changing States

Gideon Rothschild, Esq. | October 28, 2019

You can completely avoid state income tax on a trust’s income based on guidelines from a recent US Supreme Court ruling. Here’s how.

The Best Medicare Advantage Plan

The Best Medicare Advantage Plan

James Beem, MHA, MA | October 21, 2019

Members of Medicare Advantage plans share their insights to help you choose the best options.